Cochlear Implant Group of Tanzania


The Cochlear Implant Group of Tanzania (CIGT) is a professional body established in May 2015. It was initiated by Dr. Edwin Liyombo (ENT Consultant/Surgeon at Muhimbili National Hospital), Mr. Fayaz Jaffer (Audiologist and Cochlear Implant Specialist at HearWell Audiology Clinic) and Dr. Naufel Kassam (ENT Consultant / Surgeon at Mnazimmoja Hospital in Zanzibar).

This association is a perfect example of Public-Private partnership initiated and emphasized by the government of Tanzania in view of offering quality healthcare service in the country.

Currently the CIGT is under the umbrella of TENTS until at such a time when a local Cochlear Implant Program is established, when it will function as an autonomous body.

The Cochlear Implant Group of Tanzania aims to bring together all professionals both in public and private sector who offer services or have an interest relating to Cochlear Implants. These include, but not limited to Audiologists, Audiometricians, Hearing Instrument Specialist, Speech Therapists, Special Education Needs Teachers, Counsellors, Physciatrists, Paediatricians and ENT Specialists with interest in this field.

The CIGT aims for the following:

– To provide advise on Cochlear Implants to related Professionals and organisations, Government Bodies, Prospective Patients and other related bodies.

– To provide guidelines for Cochlear Implantations including Medical, Surgical, Audiological, Education and Rehabilitation.

– To discuss scientific researches and progress of CI patients in the country

– To liaise with similar organisation in Sub-saharan Africa in effort to standardise the practise, share resources and experiences, collaborate as well as consult with similar organisation around the world to look at ways to improve local offering.